Happy New Year! I hope everyone is staying safe and sane in this time of change and transformation. The first New / Dark Moon of 2021 is on this Wednesday, January 13th! Here is some info on the energies and correspondences to aid you in your workings and rituals.

January's New Moon in Capricorn:
The New Moon on January 13th carries an extremely intense and complex energy. The aspects and the aspect patterns associated with this New Moon point to a crisis resulting from the combination of unexpected change and buildup of frustration and tension. But the Venus trine Mars-Uranus, in conjunction with the semisextile aspects help relieve the tension and frustration and create great opportunities for development. You may feel like you are being forced to confront deep-seated problems and challenges but facing these challenges lead to soul evolution.
Keywords & Themes: Turn inwards, reflect, release, transformations and soul evolution, turning over a new leaf, make repairs and eliminate unnecessary clutter in your life, grounding.
Reflection Questions: Where do I want to create change? In which ways can I step out of my comfort zone and grow?
Symbols: Horns, Ouroboros
Planets: Saturn, Pluto
Colours: Black, Red, White
Stones: Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Jet, Moldavite, Smoky Quartz, Tiger’s Eye
Metal: Lead or Pewter
Plants: Carnation, Astragalus Root, Cedar
Trees: Cedar, Cypress
Foods: Apples, Asparagus, Carrots, Cauliflower, Cranberries, Fennel, Onions, Pears, Persimmons, Pomegranates, Walnuts, Winter Squash.
Animals: Wolves, Ox
Scent: Musk
Tools: Salt, Sickle
Tarot Cards: Wheel of Fortune, The Tower
Rune: Raidho
Deities and Spirits: Anunnaki, Demeter, Fates, Fatia, Gohone, Hekate, Huh, Hemsut, Kala, Kali, Kronos, Maman Brigitte, Nabu, Norns, Oya, Shiva, Wyrd, Yang Xin